Mortgage Rates

ProgramRateAPRMinimum % Down PaymentMonthly PaymentAmortization
15 year Section 1847.13%7.40%2.25%$1,358.75 15 years
30 year Section 1847.63%7.80%2.25%$1,061.69 30 years
15 year fixed7.13%7.24%5.00%$1,358.75 15 years
20 year fixed6.63%6.71%5.00%$1,129.43 20 years
30 year fixed7.38%7.45%5.00%$1,036.01 30 years

The above figures are based on a $150,000 loan with 2.25% or 5.00% down respectively at the stated terms.
Actual rate may vary based on loan to value, credit score and payment history for 15, 20, and 30-year fixed loans.
Rates are subject to change in response to current market conditions.
Private Mortgage Insurance is required for 15, 20 and 30-year fixed loans with less than 20% down payment.
The above examples for 15, 20 and 30-year fixed loans assume a credit score of 740 or above.
Payment does not include amounts for property taxes, insurance premiums or homeowner association dues.
Actual payment obligation may be greater.
APR is the Annual Percentage Rate.
Bay Bank and/or its employees are not responsible for errors, omissions, or interim revisions.

Personal Loan Rates

New Auto 2024
Based on $35,000 loan amount
72 months4.95%5.02%$564.06
60 months4.55%4.64%$654.69
48 months4.25%4.36%$795.86
36 months3.95%4.09%$1,034.72
Used Auto 2023
Based on $35,000 loan amount
72 months5.25%5.32%$568.95
 60 months4.95%  5.037%$661.09
48 months4.65%4.76%$802.17
36 months4.35%4.49%$1,040.97
Used Auto 2022
Based on $30,000 loan amount
72 months5.55%5.64%$492.06
60 months 5.25% 5.352%$570.99
48 months4.95%5.08%$691.90
36 months4.65%4.81%$896.60
Used Auto 2021
Based on $25,000 loan amount
72 months5.75%5.86%$412.61
60 months 5.55%5.673% $479.53
48 months5.05%5.20%$578.00
36 months4.85%5.05%$749.79
Used Auto 2020
Based on $25,000 loan amount
60 months5.75%5.87%$481.85
48 months5.45%5.60%$582.56
36 months5.25%5.45%$754.29
Used Auto 2019 - 2014
Based on $20,000 loan amount
48 months7.95%8.14%$489.58
36 months7.45%7.70%$623.94
Used Auto 2013 & Older
Based on $10,000 loan amount
36 Months9.95% 10.456%$324.82 
New Personal Recreation
Based on $10,000 loan amount
60 months7.95%8.27%$204.04
48 months7.25%7.63%$242.41
36 months6.95%7.45%$310.83
Used Personal Recreation
Based on $10,000 loan amount
48 months7.95%8.34%$245.71

Rates and terms are subject to change based on approved credit.
Rates are subject to change without notice.
Above examples are based on a credit score of 701 or above.
APR is the Annual Percentage Rate.

More Personal Loans

Bay Bank offers CD Loans and Signature Loans, contact a consumer lender today for rates and terms.