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Secure Email Portal, what is it?

Today, email is the preferred method of communication for individuals and companies. However, email isn’t a private conversation – it’s easy for others to intercept and read.

In order to maintain the confidentiality of private information sent via email, while ensuring compliance with privacy and regulations such as HIPAA, GLBA, State Data Security Laws, we have implemented an email encryption service through Zix Corporation, the leader in email encryption services. This service will help us protect outbound email containing sensitive information, such as social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and account information.

All emails containing sensitive information between Bay Bank and you will be encrypted. You will be able to receive these encrypted email messages easily through Bay Banks ZixPort. (Secure Email Portal)

You will receive a notification email with instructions to “click here” to open the encrypted email. This button automatically re-directs you to our Secure Email Portal.

First-time users of ZixPort will need to go through a simple registration process. Once your account is activated, you may view the message and any attachments over a Secure connection.

It’s important for us to note that if you are currently a ZixCorp gateway customer, then all encrypted email messages between our organization and you will be sent securely and delivered unencrypted in your inbox, just like any other email you receive.

In addition to the brief overview we have provided to you above, ZixCorp has provided us with a website containing supplementary information on receiving encrypted emails, as well as frequently asked questions. View the Secure Email Portal How To.

At Bay Bank, we are committed to protecting personal information and are pleased to provide you this easy-to-use solution.