Cash Management
We offer a wide variety of online cash management tools to save you time and streamline your cash management needs. Our online features include:
Business Online
This 24/7 cash management program that allows you to set up user entitlements, transfer between accounts, and offers payment solutions such as ACH, Wire and Bill Pay. Users will be able to access monthly statements from the previous 18 months.
Business Bill Pay
An efficient program that allows you to pay anyone at any time, schedule automatic payments, track those payments and establish user entitlements. With Bill Pay, you can schedule a one-time payment or recurring payments and view your payment history.
ACH Manager
Built into Business Online platform that allows you process ACH transactions.
Wire Manager
Built into our Business Online platform that allows you to streamline Wire transfer requests.
Remote Deposit Capture (RDC)
A fast, simple solution that eliminates the need of going to the bank. An RDC machine allows you to decide when to deposit checks into your account using a PC, Internet connection and an office printer.
Positive Pay
An effective risk management solution aimed at combating fraudulent activity. An integration into Business Online that provides the ability to upload an issued checks file directly to the bank and download an issued items file. Positive Pay will automatically detect duplicate transactions, mismatched check numbers or amounts, non-issued checks and stale date checks.
We also offer Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS) and Insured Cash Sweep (ICS) services.